6 Factors That Might Be Causing Your Acne

Acne treatment

Acne is frequently caused by puberty. It affects about 8 out of 10 preteens and teenagers. So it is natural to think that you are past the challenges of teenage acne as you grow older. Your sporadic breakouts, on the other hand, prove otherwise.

Dr. Swetha. P, the founder of Cosmoderm Centre, a top-notch skin clinic in Indiranagar, says that a significant number of adults have been seeking treatment for various skin problems, especially acne. They express surprise over having a ‘teenage’ problem like acne.

Dr. Swetha. P is one of the best skin specialists in Indiranagar; she says that hormones are not the only cause of those annoying pimples. Read on to learn about acne and some unexpected causes of acne.

What is acne?

Acne is caused by excessive oil (sebum) production, pores clogged by dead skin cells, germs, and inflammation.

Acne symptoms in general include:

  • Redness
  • Tender bumps 
  • Pain restricted to one area

Acne can appear everywhere on your body, but it is most common on the face, upper arms, legs, chest, and back.

An increasing number of people in Bangalore have acne issues. According to the findings of a large-scale survey performed in India in 2019, roughly 12% of respondents aged 20 to 29 reported acne problems. If you or your loved one is distressed by acne, please get in touch with Dr. Swetha. P, a highly skilled dermatologist in Indiranagar.

What are the causes of acne?

Adult acne can have a variety of causes, although it is not very likely to be caused by consuming chocolate or oily foods. Adult acne is usually caused by the same reasons that produce teenage acne in men. Women’s issues, on the other hand, are more complex.

The following are 6 surprising factors causing adult acne:

Hormonal fluctuations:

Hormones that fluctuate. Changes in hormones due to pregnancy and menopause and hormonal factors connected to estrogen and progesterone are frequent in female acne. Acne can be caused or worsened by situations like taking, stopping, or switching a birth control pill. Acne can appear months after you make this modification. Female adults frequently have “flares,” or outbreaks, that might be linked to specific periods of the menstrual cycle.

Hormonal fluctuations


Acne and anxiety are linked, according to research. When we are stressed, the quantity of androgens (hormones that cause acne) rises, triggering sebaceous (oil) glands and hair follicles, creating acne.


Hair and skin products:  

When purchasing skin and hair products, look for phrases like oil-free, non-comedogenic, and non-acnegenic on the labels. These words indicate that the items will not clog pores or increase oil production. Ensure these terms are included in your face cleanser, cosmetics, moisturizer, sunscreen, shampoo, hair cream, etc.

3.	Hair and skin products

A medical condition:

Acne may be caused by an undiscovered medical issue in a tiny percentage of patients. To help uncover underlying problems, a dermatologist will collect your detailed history and conduct an examination, which may include a blood test. PCOS (Polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a disorder that causes persistent or hard to control acne in women.


Cell phones:

Cell phones are fantastic for staying connected with friends, relatives, and coworkers. But constant cell phone contact with your skin may not be so good.

Dr. Swetha. P, a proficient skin specialist in Indiranagar, says that your cell phone is exposed to bacteria-infested surfaces throughout the day. When you chat on the phone, you bring this bacterium closer to your cheek and mouth. Bacteria can also be transferred by touching your face after texting on the phone. Furthermore, touching your mobile phone (or any phone, for that matter) against your face might produce “acne mechanica,” which are pimples generated by friction. Clean your phone with an alcohol-based wipe daily.

Traveling to a new city or country:

A change in environment can trigger skin problems. Rashes, dryness, sensitivity, pimples, increased breakouts, or oil production are possible symptoms. Water, climate, and diet are three significant elements that impact these changes.            


Although you cannot control the weather or humidity where you go, avoiding too much sun exposure and applying a sunscreen containing titanium dioxide or zinc oxide may help prevent outbreaks.


The first stage to getting rid of blemishes is to figure out what is causing your adult acne. Even if you get acne in your 30s, 40s, and beyond, you don’t have to let it take over your face. Keep track of when pimples appear to help you spot a pattern.

Remember that acne is a medical problem, so seek medical help as you would for any other illness. The key to treating and controlling acne at any age needs a specialist and a little patience.

Do not wait until your acne becomes uncontrollable; schedule an appointment with Dr. Swetha. P, one of the most preferred dermatologists in Indiranagar.

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