
Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

All You Need To Know About Skin Rejuvenation Treatment

Textural irregularities such as fine lines, wrinkles, dilated pores, pigmentation such as sunspots, uneven or dull skin tone, scars from acne, chickenpox, or injury accumulate over time; skin sags, and the healthy glow fades with time. How…

Freckle Control & Treatment in Indiranagar, Bangalore

Do you have small dark spots on your face or neck?Is it ruining your face and beauty? If yes, you might be having freckles. Freckles though harmless can ruin your physical appearance. They are small yet easily noticeable. What is the…
Dermatology vs. Venereology

Dermatology vs Venereology

Many people in Indiranagar are often confused between the meanings of dermatology and venereology. So, is Dermatology and Venereology the same? Or are they two different medical fields? This article will help you know what Dermatology and…
keep your Skin Hydrated in Winter

How to keep your Skin Hydrated in Winter?

Winters can be very chilly in Indiranagar. So, you might get tempted to spend a lot of time in front of the heaters during cold months. However, this could remove the glow from your skin, making you look aged and with premature wrinkles.  If…
tattoo removal

Want to Remove Your Tattoo? Know about Best Tattoo Removal in Bangalore

Nowadays, many people in Bangalore are fond of getting tattoos. Yes, it has become a new trend. However, some people also opt for removing their tattoos; you may be one of them too. You do not have to approach any dermatology centre in Bangalore…